Tuesday 13 October 2015

Psychoanalysis Seminar


and ability to affect 

Going on underneath the surface. His model of the mind: concious mind, social situations link to dreams. Dark pit of unconcious. As scientist look at what's going on underneath. Anxieties and desires.
Dream is processing our awake life. Or process of what hapend the day before or stretching right back to your childhood. Dream affects following day.
Work of dreams manipulating ideas adm moving them around looking at them in different ways. Collapsing together ideas that shouldn't be in the same place.
Crude, clumsy way of looking at symbolism. If you see a penis shape and think it's a oenis you must have a subconscious obsession
Dali: anxieties around sexuality. Upfront about it. Read Freud, interpretation of dreams etc. not an accident, kind of deliberate. 
The talking cure: free associating. Hypnosis techniques. What happens when they start to speak without control.
Freud's analysis, complicated and very specific, why is his analysis any more valuable than anyone else.
Art nouveau and architecture: gaudis architecture in Barcelona.
Interested in stuff that is outmoded and out of date. These days live in a culture of ever changing, quick pace, nothing is ever out of date anymore, clothes coming back in, art always reproduced and reworked.
Freud interested in Art and literature of the past, not contemporary. Sexuality, anxiety. Everyday objects
Klimt and Shiele looking at sexuality. Problematic in contemporary environment. Shiele imprisoned for expression of sexuality through art.
Locate everyday moments where unconcious, anxiety, comes out. Not just in us but objects and spaces. Paris: art nouveau design metropolitan. Extraordinary designs, inspired by plants, even praying mantis. Even sexuality 
Fetishism of objects at one level ascribing values to objects that they shouldn't have. Over valuing them. Sacred practices, sexual obsession with materials. Comes about when little boys realise (most likely mothers) women don't have penises. Profound anxiety of the possibility of being castrated. Transfer their gaze to other things where their sexuality and gender may be questioned.
Embroiled in tensions of anxiety. 
The dynamics of creation: Freudian analysis of Van Gogh - oil paints - traditional outlet for anal impulses. Messiness. Smells. Hands as a brush freely.
Reduce a really complex intricate set of activities and thought processes to a single purpose. 
Artist playing with cliche: Paul McCarthy film called painter.

Objects from childhood. About the sound and touch of it rather than visual 
Nothing is coincidence, objectiv chance. The image that comes out is a subconscious you just haven't worked it out yet.
Cassette tape- unconsciously packed. Memories. 

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