Tuesday 6 October 2015

Production / Reproduction KF

Debates and approaches Benjamin was interested in.
Marx - communism. The Communist Manifesto, 1848. leading to whole set of countries living under communism

Situate yourself as an artist as a social being, part of an economic, cultural network about lived experience. Traced back to ideas Marx is thinking about. 20th century built around struggle and liberation. Fall of the berlin wall - key moment.
Materiality, experience, action. "Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the idea is to change it" compelling things to say about the world around us.
what would happen if we able to produce in a way that keeps us connected to who we are.
Base and superstructure model - if you want to understand our world you have to understand the material process within it
Shift from feudal culture to capitalist culture, shift from modernism to post modernism
Critiquing. The people who make things and people who own them - distinction between workng class and middle class. Labour - certain classes rewarded only in the most pivotal way. Factory owners middle class, ever richer 
In the west, relitavely few things are being produced. Produced far away, dont have to think about it
Considerable amount of what Marx has written still relevant now.

Captial is very clever as hiding the relationship - eg sweat shops
Use value vs Exchange value - how fit for purpose vs how much can i sell this for. Increasing profit margins, maintaining sales. eg watches £3 watch vs 17k Rolex
Art and political commitment. Society for Young Aritists exhibition, Moscow, 1920
Rivera and Leger, Picasso - communist ideas and artists

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