Tuesday 6 October 2015

(Re)Production Seminar

Lecture continued, also raising questions and sparking conversation:  Impact of Marxism. Died in the 19th century so can't really hold him responsible for things happening in the 20th century. Artists who have familiarised themselves with communist art
Soviet socialism - socialist realism insists you shouldn't be messing around with styles and abstraction, readable and accessible by as many people as possible. 
Contemporary art - do what you want use what you want be influenced by what you want.
Activism and critique - dada practice in Germany 1920-30s photomontage critiquing and dismantling ideaologies weapon against fascism. Hannah hoch - gender, ideology, beauty, desirability, bodies, objects. KennardPhillips exploring activist notions capital exchange value ideology way in which quite quickly abandon spaces like galleries interested in making work in different kinds of contexts. Print media and manipulation of images. Confronting materiality and ethical issues.
Ethical responsibility. 
Politics in our practice? Responsibility to make art. Communicate politics. Political being and creative being cannot not coexist. 
Do you see your work having social responsibility and social action. Artists responsibilities include being able to address issues that regular people don't want to talk about or can't express their opinions.
Not a responsibility it's a chance to express
Is advertising an art? Does it decrease the value of the art? Where is the art situated - in a gallery more value than a billboard?
Barbara Kruger was an advertising executive before becoming an artist. 
In industrial situations people make things that will never belong to them. Immediately snatched away from you. Paid to do that, not enough. 
When you make art is it a part of you. How would it feel to sell that piece of work 
Middle ground of reproduction- rene Magritte - made identical copies and sold both - both originals which was the first one? Does it matter? 
How to price work? Labour, material worth, has no real use so no use value. Really expensive art has nothing to do with labour or cost.
How much is your work worth? What is its use value? Intellectual value.
Idea of making object that never will belong to you - Updated - working in a call centre, the thing you are giving away is not even a real object - The commodity evaporating infront of you 

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