Tuesday 19 January 2016

Essay Tutorial with Judith

Need a focus for a title. My work at the moment is focused around aesthetics. I use movement in my work and leave evident brush strokes. I am interested in beauty, and in my work where the subject may not be necessarily beautiful (however sometimes it might be), the way in which I paint, and my use of colour palette, finds a way to make the image beautiful. Finding beauty in the process of painting. The beauty is brought out.

Something I can consider: is the purpose of art to make things beautiful?

Does the essay have to be sort of a two sided argument? For and against?
No, but a good way to layout. Must consider different view points. "I think this piece of work is beautiful because... however this person would not agree as they think beauty is...." etc. Locate different definitions of beauty.
"This work doesn't conform with this definition of beauty, however other definitions would call it beautiful."

For my introduction Judith has suggested I could look at beauty in general. Associations with beauty.

20th century has strong links with beauty. Look at the rejection of beauty in art.

Art history: People have talked a lot about beauty in the 20th century and think it started in the early 1900's however, when you look back to artists such as Hieronymus Bosch working in the 1400's his work is not beautiful at all. Quite the opposite. Breugel similarly. Not beautiful paintings however very highly regarded. Contradicts view of art having to be and always being beautiful, when you see work but such well renowned artists.
Subject may not be beautiful, however what he has done with the medium and subject matter is beautiful. Very realistic. Also unusually intriguing.

Anti-art did not just start in 20th Century. Actually taps into earlier traditions.

In my work what is going on between me and the subject? Am I trained to find the beautiful.

Is beauty about the image? or the application of the paint?

Find a question that suits my own practice.
Something about the role of art in recognising/and or making something beautiful. And what is the process of this.

Judith recommended On Ugliness by Umberto Eco, however this is not available at the school library. I am looking at ordering it, however with only 2 and a half weeks until submission I am not sure whether it will come to much use. It may be something I consider for next unit.

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