Tuesday 29 September 2015

Aesthetics and Anti-Aesthetics KF

Aesthetics and anti-aesthetics
The cult of the ugly
- KF

What consitutes the beautiful? Beauty is culturally specific, different backgrounds
Don't tend to question beauty very much
Storng associations between the ideas of beauty and truth
Absolute value that everybody shares
Learn from an early age what is right for a us what gives us pleasure and protection
Opposite binary
Distinction between good and evil - stories and fables help us make moral judgements 
Ugliness is beauty waiting to be redeemed - beauty and beast
Underneath a beautiful exterior is a working body complicated
Cubism begins to disfigure beauty
----Paul McCarthy, Painter, 1995--- have a look

Philsophy of Aesthetics:
What constitues beauty 
Immanuel Kant - Critique of Judgement, 1780
- believes aesthetic judgements have 4 features
- disinterested (something gives pleasure because it is deemed beautiful, not the other way around)
- universal (I expect others to agree with me)
- necessary (and a product of the mind)

Harmony, proportion, the ideal human body, youth, perfection, symmetry
Theorists, artists, practitioners interested in extending the idea of aestheitcs - relationships between classical structures and modern mechanical structures and tools. 
(Le Corbusier, Towards an Architecture)

Dada, Anti-Art:
spaces that are brutal, rough, rude, inflict untold damage on the human body, man made structures, natural structures. 
World war, wars and violence has always done this. Scale
Paris Dada, New York Dada - anti art gestures, cannons of beauty 
Replacing representations of the virgin mary - spontaneous connotations of a sexual charge deliberately insulting
Marcel Duchamp, deface work and make it your own. the speed in which one can deface cannons of beauty

Berlin Dada - showing things like ex soldiers with limbs missing, vile facial disfigurments, transgressions against beauty, horror of living through the first world war

Otto Dix- underminding the spaces of the human body
collage allows qucikly disfiguring and defacing not only the human body but notions of class and status

The wounded self:
Francis Bacon - 1950s - cold war anxiety about bodies
Leather faces - Texas Chainsaw Massacre

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