Tuesday 29 September 2015

Aesthetics Seminar

Essay: what informs your work
Use texts for each week if you find them useful - don't have to

Following on from the lecture:

Started by talking about Philsophical concepts of beauty. Aesthetics is a field quite central to art and art practice only recently those ideas have begun to be dismantled 
Still conventionally use the idea of being beautiful, as artists just as interested in things that are the complete opposite and challenge our ideas of beauty. Reverse of beauty - chaos, violence, collapse 
Dada anti art movement unstable and contradictory no dada thinkers seem to agree on anything 
Collage (Berlin dada art) cheap and quick and spontaneous 
Beautiful things are powerful 
Skill and materials 
Common ideas behind beauty is that it is eternal 
20th century people are drawn to things that are grotesque, monstrous
Notions around the monstrous: monster as a figure is terrifying frightening upsetting
Notions around the grotesque: excessive, comically ugly, swollen and over formed 
The abject: abjection, things which have begun to collapse, the difference in things become ambiguous 
Goya, Saturn Devouring One Of His Children, 1821
Times where you go that's awful but I want to look at it

As a society endlessly fascinated by murders - medicine museum, Berlin. Anatomical specimens, diseased organs, skeletons of deformed people
Showing something that is normally hidden, human thing of being curious 
Distinction between beauty and ugliness
By identifying what's ugly, can see what's beautiful 
John Peter Witkin, presented as a still life, black and white large prints, subject matter includes uncomfortable things, deformities, love or loathe him, divides opinion
Julia Kristeva, Powers of Horror
Horror films, representations
Childhood memories, skin on milk, children have to learn what is good for them
Borders between things are complicated and ambiguous and anxiety things that switch one place to another. Fascination and repulsion
Clear sense of our own personal space, certain people that we trust 
Consider what I put into my mouth, it is a border. One minute that was an object now it is part of me, that border - fascinating ideas
The idea of PC
Understanding of classical beauty, filtered through the Renaissance discovery. Roman marble statues actuallty painted as real life, did not realise until recently there were traces of paint
Cubism and dada about disfiguring the cannon of beauty. Constructivism restoring that idea of beauty and taste
Why are things that repel us which we want to look away, as a culture why are we fascinated by them?

The 'formless': George Bataille seen by western art critics from 1960's onwards one of the most important physicists 
Borders of the body, issues around sexuality
Structure and order fall away no longer possible to identify
Harmony and order and organisation both fascinating and repulsive 
From the formless something new might be made
Ink blot tests - supposed to say what it is, why do we insist of reading form into it?
People become interested in moments of chaos - Eugene Atget, Ragpickers, 1913 these areas are gone now, buildings and flee market and ring road
Feet and toes are anxious and disgusting
Andre Boiffard, Mouth, Big Toe, Flypaper and Flies, 1929-30

Conclusive beauty:
Convulsive beauty is an erotic and sexual notion, one might connect objects and experiences in the world. Characterised as unexpected and jolts. Suddenly arrises. Inberween ness. Two opposit that shouldn't be in the same place.
Bipolar. Two things that pull in different directions. For a moment held in tension. 

Seen as bad, fascist, Jeff Koons, questioning around kitsch

Is it still possible and relevant to have a concept of what beauty is, what constitues beauty. Ongoing question. Is it a problem if somebody finds a photoshopped girl attractive? Question bound up in that encounter is not with an object but as an image. Representations of women, not actual encounters.
Cannons of taste and beauty is somewhat decided by museums.
Notion of beauty is a redundant one. Attracted to the reverse of beauty. Easier to determine.

Our objects and images:

Butterflies - colour, nature, feminity. Cultural  we've assumed them to be beautiful. Not a threat, harmlessness
Displayed in a box, contained, captured. Do we look and feel the same about them while they're in nature or in the box.
Tempted to identify beauty with nature. 
Metamorphosis of insects eg butterflies 
Anxiety being redeemed, redemptions from violence and ugliness
Beauty linked to feminity? Subject to cultural ideas 
Ideal body shape - problematic idea
People have been taught in a way to associate feminity with beauty. Ignorant to forget the male
Power, control, wealth
Until recently all has been about male power controlling female beauty.
Covers of magazines: women's magazines women, men's magazines women.
In film and tv women are often shown naked, exposed, not so much the man
Anonymity to women painted nude. Female nudes use beauty to hide the pleasure of looking and enjoying. Widely painted by men, for men.
Early photography - female nudes. Anonymity is going. Pornography.

The Beautiful and The Sublime JS

Ideas of beauty conventionalised

What do we mean when we toss these terms around - beauty, sublime, pretty
In classical times the male form that embodied beauty - shifted during renaissance. Incarnation of beauty was placed onto the female form. Endless row of female nudes in our galleries
If our idea of beauty can shift from male to female can it shift from human to something else?

Aesthetics: not just about what we feel through our senses, not just a physical satisfaction has to go through the mind

Connection between beautiful and the sublime:
English obssession with gardens and countryside
other european countries do not share the same obsession

Does the sublime have it's origins in nature or the mind?
Longinus, On Sublimity - unteachable, related to genius, domination - masuline traits, although it originate in nature it is only in art it can be given its shape. Only possible through the work of genius.
Can it exist without language? 
John Martin, The Great Day of His Wrath, 1853
pleasures of the imagination
mountains, wilderness, things that are infinite
Burke: not about spirituality, does not link the sublime with God. The sublime embodies this contradiction between pleasure and horror
Sublime is formless, beauty is bounded/framed
Beauty is what submits to us. Beauty associated with the female, conformed to ideas about women and feminity at the time, the sublime is masculine.

Immanuel Kant, The Analytic of the Sublime, 1790:
beauty: harmony, good proportions, perfection and appeals to senses.
sublime: is both rational and imaginative and appeals to the mind.
Cannot experience the sublime if you are female. have to be genius and male
Abstract concepts are gendered: the can be nothing female or effeminate about the sublime or genius
Sublime: you look at the sublime you are not in it

The symbiotic relationship between genius and the sublime:
James Turrell, Houghton Hall, 2015
Bill Viola, The Crossing, 1996

If the sublime is gendered where does that leave women artists?
Can we find a way to achieve the sublime? what a feminine sublime would look like? 
Or do we go complete opposite to that and go anti sublime?
Helen Chadwick, Meat Abstract, 1989

Who tells us what is taste what is beautiful

Aesthetics and Anti-Aesthetics KF

Aesthetics and anti-aesthetics
The cult of the ugly
- KF

What consitutes the beautiful? Beauty is culturally specific, different backgrounds
Don't tend to question beauty very much
Storng associations between the ideas of beauty and truth
Absolute value that everybody shares
Learn from an early age what is right for a us what gives us pleasure and protection
Opposite binary
Distinction between good and evil - stories and fables help us make moral judgements 
Ugliness is beauty waiting to be redeemed - beauty and beast
Underneath a beautiful exterior is a working body complicated
Cubism begins to disfigure beauty
----Paul McCarthy, Painter, 1995--- have a look

Philsophy of Aesthetics:
What constitues beauty 
Immanuel Kant - Critique of Judgement, 1780
- believes aesthetic judgements have 4 features
- disinterested (something gives pleasure because it is deemed beautiful, not the other way around)
- universal (I expect others to agree with me)
- necessary (and a product of the mind)

Harmony, proportion, the ideal human body, youth, perfection, symmetry
Theorists, artists, practitioners interested in extending the idea of aestheitcs - relationships between classical structures and modern mechanical structures and tools. 
(Le Corbusier, Towards an Architecture)

Dada, Anti-Art:
spaces that are brutal, rough, rude, inflict untold damage on the human body, man made structures, natural structures. 
World war, wars and violence has always done this. Scale
Paris Dada, New York Dada - anti art gestures, cannons of beauty 
Replacing representations of the virgin mary - spontaneous connotations of a sexual charge deliberately insulting
Marcel Duchamp, deface work and make it your own. the speed in which one can deface cannons of beauty

Berlin Dada - showing things like ex soldiers with limbs missing, vile facial disfigurments, transgressions against beauty, horror of living through the first world war

Otto Dix- underminding the spaces of the human body
collage allows qucikly disfiguring and defacing not only the human body but notions of class and status

The wounded self:
Francis Bacon - 1950s - cold war anxiety about bodies
Leather faces - Texas Chainsaw Massacre